Meet Ian Hallet, Vice President of Emancipet. Their mission to provide affordable and accessible veterinary care makes an indirect, yet powerfully positive impact on the physical and emotional well being of the owners. Our pets love us, accept us, and bring us unconditional joy. They’re always there for us, and financial status shouldn’t prevent us from taking care of them. The people at Emancipet believe every loyal animal companion deserves a healthy life.

By helping pets, Emancipet empowers the community. The entire community. This episode of Charity Chats introduces you to Poopsy-Brown, one of Emancipet’s frequent canine visitors. Bobby, her owner, is homeless and depends on the clinic to provide his best friend with the veterinary treatment she deserves. Emancipet understands that small ripples of kindness and respect can coalesce as waves of happiness in the surrounding community.